Tom Clendon’s

SBR Revision Core

Tom Clendon

Tom’s support for your SBR revision at an affordable price. A fresh approach. Marking and live sessions NOT included.



24/7 WhatsApp support. Tom’s fast responses to your questions helps to keep your studies on track. Structured revision plan.

Knowledge recap

Revision notes and revision video to ensure you know the key areas you need to pass SBR. Quizzes. Includes extra material on FRS102 for those choosing the UK or Irish variant.

Exam technique guidance

Tom shows you the best way to approach each type of SBR exam question with detailed demonstration videos.

Question practice

Libraries of questions and mocks exams to work through, all with sensible and understandable answers. There are eight mock exams, with full video debriefs of Tom working the answers.

Course features

Flexible payment options, allowing you to spread the cost of your studies. Access for two exam sittings. Access the course again if you need to re-sit.

Revision Core Course Content


24/7 WhatsApp support
Fast replies to your questions help to keep your revision on track


Revision resources
Access to all of Tom’s revision course resources. All of the videos, all of the questions, all of the notes, notes, all of the support.


Demonstration videos
Tom shows you how to approach the most common question types that come up in the SBR exam. All questions debriefed in ACCA’s practice platform software.


Exam Technique Challenges
Exercises to address the most common exam technique errors in SBR, with full video debriefs. Build your understanding of how SBR is assessed using Tom’s mark the marker challenge.


2 x mock exams
2 fresh mock exams, written by Tom reflecting the SBR examiner’s latest style. Supported by full video debriefs.


Current issues
Get up to date with all the latest current issues.


The course material for Revision CORE goes live on results day of the previous sitting. This means you have 6 weeks of structured support. Registration can be made be made in advance. Registrations will close one week before exam day.

You work through the videos, interactive activities, quizzes and other course resources. You study at a time and pace to suit you. It starts with a knowledge recap and exercises to improve your exam technique.

There is a library of questions and mocks exams to work through all with sensible understandable answers. There are eight mock exams, all with full video debriefs of Tom working the answers.

Daily WhatsApp messages are sent during the revision month. These are a mix of technical guidance, exam technique hints and motivational messages.

When you have questions, then just WhatsApp Tom who is there to help with a speedy reply or voice note.

The Revision CORE has no marking service and no live sessions. Revision CORE has the same material and whats app support. Revision CORE will remain open for registration until a week before exam day. Both revision courses though have “access for 2 exam sittings”

If you aren’t successful, you can access the course again for a second exam sitting free of charge. Please note, the second sitting does not include live sessions or marking.

No! The course contains everything that you need to pass assuming that you have covered syllabus.

No! There is a payment plan so you can spread the cost. There may be even cheaper courses out there but nothing that will give you the level of support that Tom does.


£148.00 / month for 2 months


Student Testimonials